Autor Tema: Dugorocno volontiranje  (Pročitano 9561 puta)

Vojislav Prkosovacki

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Dugorocno volontiranje
« poslato: Oktobar 04, 2007, 04:22:35 posle podne »

Organizacija: VIA-Belgium,
Period: 01.02.2008. - 30.09.2008.
Naslov: \\\'Peacebuilding through Voluntary work\\\'
Tema: Rad sa kratkorocnim i dugorocnim volonterima u organizaciji
Jezik: Engleski

Detaljan opis:

EVS – HEI-number 2006 BEFL 47
1/2/\\\'08 - 30/9/\\\'08 (8 months)

VIA (Belgian - Dutch speaking - branch of SCI and ICYE) organises international work camps and long term exchanges within the framework of SCI, ICYE and EVS.
VIA is looking for a long term EVS-volunteer to help out in the VIA-office to bring the international dimension into the organisation and the exchange projects.


The work will be a combination of:
-   Educational work
o   To prepare/organise workshops and training activities for/during preparation weekends for participants and leaders of international youth exchanges
o   To prepare and co-ordinate the summer youth exchanges for disadvantaged youth (in Belgium)
o   To organise formal and informal evaluation sessions for participants and leaders of international exchanges on evaluation weekends and work camps in Belgium
o   To participate to and to organise meeting days for work camp participants, long term exchangees and host families
o   Participate to and co-operate with working groups of local volunteers – organise/join the monthly meetings
o   To represent VIA on international exchanges, work camps and projects of VIA in Belgium
o   To prepare/support the international language and orientation camp for long term volunteers in Belgium in September
o   Optional: be a camp leader on one of international summer work camps organised by VIA in Belgium
-   Administration
o   Administrative tasks related to the above topics and especially to the work camps and group exchanges in Belgium
o   To make reports about some of the above events (evaluations,…)
o   To compile all project information in a database
o   …
-   Logistics
o   Tasks related to the preparation and evaluation weekends organised by VIA: cooking, preparing the venue, making time tables and flip charges, provide materials…

- Communication (both spoken and written) with the above mentioned target groups will be inherent to the job.
- A big part of the tasks (described in the part ‘educational work’) will focus on the support of incoming and outgoing youngsters  with fewer opportunities (disadvantaged)

You\\\'ll work in the VIA-team (7 staff-members) for about 35 hours a week (5 days from 10am  to 5.30pm). Sometimes you will work in the weekend, these working hours will be compensated by some hours/days off during the week


-   Be over 20 years old
-   Good EDUCATIONAL AND SOCIAL SKILLS, to be able to work with several target groups, especially disadvantaged youth
-   Good ENGLISH !
-   Good COMMUNICATION-SKILLS and motivation to co-operate with your colleagues and with active volunteers
-   OPEN MIND and FLEXIBLE ATTITUDE towards working hours in very busy periods
-   To be able to work under stress;
-   To have a RESPONSIBLE attitude and take INITIATIVE towards your tasks
-   Good COMPUTER KNOWLEDGE (word, e-mail, internet)
-   Be able TO LIVE INDEPENDENT and to fill in your own free time


1/2//\\\'07 – 30/9/\\\'07 (8 months)


-   An ORIENTATION WEEKEND by arrival in Belgium
-   Lots of opportunities to JOIN VIA-ACTIVITIES and MEET NEW PEOPLE
-   Nice colleagues and a lot of SUPPORT in your job
-   Support in finding a Dutch LANGUAGE COURSE
-   A CONTACTPERSON who will give you some personal support
-   2 FREE DAYS a month + official holidays

DEADLINE:  please apply AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (at the latest on the 22th of  OCTOBER  2007) !
Needed: CV + letter of motivation, former experience and abilities (SEE ‘REQUIRED’!)

Looking forward to meet you!

The Belgian VIA-TEAM

Vojislav Prkosovacki

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Rumunija, 15 dugorocnih volontera, loodilo! :)
« Odgovor #1 poslato: Oktobar 10, 2007, 02:46:31 posle podne »
Dear youth workers and possible volunteers,


Take a look if you are interested in European Voluntary Service or if you know people interested in the subject.  We are interested in selecting 15 persons for a large scale EVS project.


All the best,




Sorin-Victor Roman
member of Team Europe Romania - training team of European Commission Representation in Romania
0040 722977094, 0040 788144523
manager of Millennium Center Arad
Tel: 0040 357 408524

\\"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.\\" - Alvin Toffler



Ofensiva Tinerilor and Millennium Center organizations announce a round of selection for an EVS group project in Romania for volunteers on Youth in Action Programme.

Number of EI reference: EI – 2007-RO-6, Ofensiva Tinerilor, as a host organisation.

Looking for volunteers for the EVS group project:

Branding Europe – Celebrating Diversity

Period of the stage: 6 months, starting in April 2008. Number of volunteers: 15.

The volunteers will be involved in:

    * developing specific youth activites in youth centers from Romania, in 6 counties (Rosia Montana, Bucuresci and Abrud – Alba county, Arad - Arad county, Zemes-Bacau county, Schela-Galati county, Albeni–Gorj county, Suplacu de Barcau-Hunedoara county) ;
    * preparing promotional materials for rural areas from Alba county, promoting local arts and cultures;
    * setting up local museums, preparing local public debates with some autorities and stakeholders, recording local songs, stories, dances;
    * implementing Corporate Social Responsibility activities;
    * facilitating the access of the children from 10 kindergartens to the European cultural diversity volunteers helping children to create songs, play games, learn words from a foreign language, prepare theatrical plays, participate in different contests, etc.

Daily work is scheduled for 6 hours/day. Our volunteers are encouraged to come with new ideas, youth initiative, or other kind of projects which can be suitable with our organization.

Volunteers\\\' age: 18 – 29. A normal level of English is advisable to exist.

If you are interested please send a CV with photo and a motivational letter to before 18th of October 2007. You are sure that your application is received by us when you get a confirmation email so if you do not have it perhaps there are some problems with emails so try again. As soon as I have an email from interested persons I will send more detalies about procedure, steps, etc.

If you have any questions you can contact us at , or 0040722977094, 0040 722 811301, 0040 357 408524, Sorin and Daniel.

Organizations are especially encouraged to apply with more than one volunteers if they have more persons interested in these projects.

Take care, according to the Youth in Action rules every sending organisation located in a Programme Country or in a SEE Country must be accredited and have a reference to an approved Expression of Interest (EI).

Other detalies for the project:

We are looking for volunteers from the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Montenegro, Serbia, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russian Federation, Ukraine. We are also open to host volunteers from other countries according with Youth in Action Programme rules.

Our volunteers are going to be a member of a youth team and he/she will work in a Intercultural environment, non-formal, helping to:

    * Improve his abilities to work in a team
    * Learn a new language, getting information about another culture;
    * Improve his level of tolerance and understanding;
    * Improve his knowledge about European opportunities in Youth field;

So, our volunteers are going to put his contribution in opening new opportunities for the young people from our local community.

The mentor will have a regular meeting with our volunteer and also every time when is needed.

We are going to organize different evaluation sessions with programme coordinator and also with the mentor to see results and difficulties which appeared and if there are some problems, to be solved. These sessions will take place once in a two weeks period. Also, in connection with objectives which we had, at the end of the project we can make a final evaluation which can be very useful for our organization and our volunteer.

Accommodation: The accommodation for our volunteers is going to be in a room from a flat in Arad, together with a member of our organization or/and other volunteers, 1-2 persons/room.

Food: In a discussion with our volunteers we will establish the best option for her/him, choosing from opportunities which we are going to give: food from a local canteen, in an university or high school, food from month allowance in he/she wants to prepare himself/herself the meals ;

Organisations description: Ofensiva Tinerilor: (EI – 2007-RO-6)

The association Ofensiva Tinerilor is a youth organization of the Romanian citizens who are a Polish national minority and it was founded in September 2004, an organization whose activities take place in the intercultural area and in the area of protecting the rights and the culture of the Polish community from Romania.

The association Ofensiva Tinerilor in the area of protecting the human rights is developing a program of information, consulting and supervising regarding the citizens\\\' right to express and assume without any restrictions their ethno-cultural and religious identity according to the Convention- frame regarding the protection of the national minorities and the other documents and international documents concerning this field. In this perspective as a communication and presentation line the pilot site had been launched and a partnership had been made with the Center of the Juridical Resources being attached to SOROS Open Network.

The association OFENSIVA TINERILOR is involved in partnerships with other youth structures, and its members participated several times in activities such as youth exchanges mainly in Poland. Hence, the members of our organization have a very rich intercultural experience being volunteers or participants to many activities even in the frame of some non-governmental and civic youth organizations as The Romanian Scouts, Millennium Center, AEGEE etc.

Other activities:

    * Participating in youth exchanges in Europe and also organizing youth exchanges in Romania;
    * Promoting european values in Highschools, in Arad county,


Vojislav Prkosovacki

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Bugarska, Eko centar Vlahi!
« Odgovor #2 poslato: Oktobar 10, 2007, 02:49:10 posle podne »
Theme of the project: Environment.

Name: Eco-center Vlahi

Location: Vlahi village, municipality of Kresna

Beginning of the activity: 01.February 2008

End of the activity: 01.February 2009

Volunteering period: minimum 6 months, maximum 1 year

Application deadline: 20th of October 2007

Selection deadline: immediately after receiving applications

Number of volunteers: 1

Project language: English

Local language: Bulgarian


Short description: T he project\\\'s aims to develop an eco-center that is going to be an environmental demonstrational and educational center.

Eco-center Vlahi will serve as:

·          Center for environmental education for children, pupils, students, organized tourist groups and individual tourists as a form of eco-tourism;  

·          Informational and demonstrational center for the sustainable use of the natural resources for the local community and tourists;

·          Center for trainings, debate and seminars on topics related to eco-tourism, environment, biodiversity, sustainable development, and renewable energy for NGOs and CBOs.

The Eco-center is located in the village of Vlahi, municipality of Kresna, southwestern Bulgaria, at the foot of the Pirin mountain.


Long description:

Work: The volunteer will be involved in: support the preparation of information materials about the Eco-center and updating the web-page of the center; development of the programs for environmental education on different topics and for different target groups; coordination, participation (when possible) and stimulation of the meetings of the Eco-Working group of volunteers in CVS-Bulgaria; fundraising for the Eco center; support the Eco- center Manager with the coordination and supervision of the finishing of the reconstruction process, maintenance of the building and the garden, and organisation of different events;

The volunteer is supposed to be occupied 80% (32 hours a week)

Holidays – 2 days a month and all official Bulgarian holidays. The volunteer will be working together with a the proejct team and an american volunteer from the Peace Corps.

Profile: 21 – 30 years old. Nature lover and environmentally aware enthusiast, who can live in a small community, Interest in developing eco tourism. Previous experience in environmental associations or in environmental education for students or tourists is an advantage.

Living conditions: rented apartment in Kresna town. Pocket money, Food and transportation according the EVS program. Accident insurance.


Postal address: POBox 140,
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Visitor\\\'s address:
42, Denkoglu st.; fl.4
Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
tel/fax: +359.2.989.98.46

Vojislav Prkosovacki

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Odg: Dugorocno volontiranje SPANIJA
« Odgovor #3 poslato: Maj 19, 2008, 08:31:47 posle podne »
Jos jedna ponuda za dugorocno volontiranje, ovoga puta to je Spanija.
Rok za prijavu je 1. jun 2008. Projekat počinje 1. 11. 2008.

Za sve dodatne informacije mozete se obratiti u Kancelariju za mlade opstine Becej.

Svako dobro!

Dear sir or madame,

recently we are looking for EVS volunteers from the Balkan region to apply for the deadline on the 1^st of June. The activity should start the 1^st of November 2008 and we plan the volunteers to stay for 6 months in Mallorca.
Our project has the number 2007-ES-105 and the description you find here:

We are looking for volunteers who are interested in conservation and the natural environment and who are able to do physical work outside on our finca and in the mountains.

If you have any potential volunteers it would be very nice if you could send us their motivation letter and CV with photo in the next few days.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Yours sincerely,
Lars Michaelsen


Lars Michaelsen
EVS Coordinator
Black Vulture Conservation Foundation (BVCF)
Finca Son Pons s/n, Crta. Palma-Alcúdia km. 38,200
07310 Campanet, Islas Baleares, Spain

Tel.: +34 971 516620
Fax.: +34 971 509541

Vojislav Prkosovacki

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Dugorocno volontiranje u Madjarskoj
« Odgovor #4 poslato: Septembar 18, 2008, 08:58:34 posle podne »
Dear All in SCI world,
Please promote our EVS place among your volunteers!!
We warmly welcome applicants for the Placement officer position 2009!
WE ARE LOOKING FOR APPLICANTS with sending us CV and mot letter AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BUT LATEST till monday 29th September to
Project data:
Number of volunteers: 1
Duration of project: 6 months, March-August 2009
Location of work: Utilapu office, Budapest 1074, Dohany u 84. (downtown)
Location of accommodation: in the close suburb with good transportation to the office
Type of accomodation: Room rental/ dormitory room
Deadline for sending proposals: 29 September 2008
Deadline for application to National Agency: 1st November 2008
Proposal must include: CV, motivation letter
Arrival to project: end of February
Please find detailed description of project in this link
 and help us to promote the opportunity! plz forward this e-mail to possible target group!
thanks a lot!
Volunteers of Utilapu Halozat

Za sve dodatne informacije mozete se obratiti na ili na broj telefona021/6911-720 lokal 138, Kancelarija za mlade opstine Becej.

Helena Helenski

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Odg: Dugorocno volontiranje
« Odgovor #5 poslato: Januar 17, 2009, 04:40:54 pre podne »
Dear friends,

SCI-France is looking for a placement officer for the next season.

from the 9th of march to 31st of august 2009


- communicating about our projects

- placing  french volunters in international workcamps and foreign volunteers in our workcamps in France

- if possible, leading a workcamp

- writing infosheets, statistics, ...

- organizing intercultural evenings

The PO will be working from 10 AM to 6 PM, with one hour break (13-14), 5 days a week. During his LTV period, 10 days off will be given + national holidays and week-ends.


    * good french and good english !
    * good understanding of volunteerism
    * flexibility towards working hours
    * capacity to work autonomously and seriously
    * good IT skills
    * excellent communication skills to motivate the volunteers
    * open attitude to interculturality

The PO will be accomodated, will receive a subscription to the city bike service and pocket money.

He/she will receive a PO training as well as a workcamp leader training, and will be supported by our working team all along.

Application deadline : 9th of february 2009

VCV outgoing placement officers

Volonterski centar Vojvodine - Volunteers\\\' centre of  Vojvodina
Takovska 5
21000 Novi Sad

tel: +381 21 549 197
     +381 65 55 04 588
fax: +381 21 549 197